Pope Francis Allegedly Uses Derogatory Term for Gay People

In a recent incident, Pope Francis allegedly used a derogatory term for gay people during a closed-door meeting. This article delves into the details of the incident and discusses its potential implications for the LGBTQ+ community and the Catholic Church.

In a recent incident that has sparked controversy, Pope Francis is reported to have used a derogatory term for gay people during a closed-door meeting at the Italian Bishops’ Conference. This revelation could have a significant impact on how his attitude towards the LGBTQ+ community is perceived. The Pope’s reported comments have raised questions about his stance on gay rights and the inclusivity of the Catholic Church. In this article, we will delve into the details of the incident and discuss its potential implications.

The Incident

During the Italian Bishops’ Conference, Pope Francis was asked about whether gay men should be allowed to train for the priesthood, on the condition of remaining celibate. In response, the Pope stated that they should not be permitted. However, it is alleged that he went further and used an offensive slur in Italian, referring to an “air of frociaggine” within the Church. This derogatory term has understandably caused shock and disappointment among many.

Confirmation and Reactions

Although the meeting was initially behind closed doors, the Pope’s reported comments were first revealed by the Italian tabloid website Dagospia. Subsequently, other Italian news agencies have confirmed the remarks, citing multiple sources. The use of such language by Pope Francis, who has previously emphasized respect towards the LGBTQ+ community, has surprised and saddened many of his progressive supporters.

Pope Francis Allegedly Uses Derogatory Term for Gay People
Pope Francis Allegedly Uses Derogatory Term for Gay People

Pope Francis’ Previous Statements

Pope Francis has been known for his more inclusive approach compared to some of his predecessors. Early in his papacy, when asked about gay individuals, he famously responded, “Who am I to judge?” This statement was seen as a sign of his willingness to adopt a more understanding and accepting stance towards homosexuality. He has also expressed that gay people are welcome in the Church and even suggested that priests should be able to bless same-sex couples in certain circumstances.

Contradictory Remarks

The reported derogatory remarks made by Pope Francis have contradicted his previous statements and actions, leaving many confused and disappointed. Some observers had speculated that the Pope’s more inclusive rhetoric was a sign of his willingness to eventually allow gay men to train for the priesthood, as long as they remained celibate like other priests. However, the recent incident has shattered those hopes and raised questions about the sincerity of his previous statements.

Language Barrier and Cultural Context

Defenders of Pope Francis point out that he occasionally makes mistakes in Italian colloquialisms due to his primary language being Spanish. They suggest that he may not have fully understood the level of offense his words could cause, despite growing up in an Italian-speaking household in Argentina. However, this explanation does not excuse the use of derogatory language, especially from someone in such a prominent position.

Vatican’s Response

As of now, the Vatican has not issued an official statement regarding the incident. It remains to be seen how they will address the matter and whether any further action will be taken. The response from the Catholic Church and its leaders will be crucial in determining how this incident is perceived by the public and how it may impact the Church’s relationship with the LGBTQ+ community.

The reported use of a derogatory term by Pope Francis in reference to gay people has created a wave of disappointment and concern among his supporters and the LGBTQ+ community. This incident raises questions about the Pope’s true stance on gay rights and inclusivity within the Catholic Church. It remains to be seen how the Vatican will respond and whether this incident will have lasting implications for Pope Francis’ reputation and the Church’s relationship with the LGBTQ+ community.


1. Has Pope Francis made any previous statements supporting the LGBTQ+ community?

Yes, Pope Francis has made several statements that have been interpreted as more inclusive and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. He famously said, “Who am I to judge?” when asked about gay individuals early in his papacy. He has also expressed that gay people are welcome in the Churchand even suggested that priests should be able to bless same-sex couples in certain circumstances.

2. How have progressive supporters of Pope Francis reacted to the reported derogatory remarks?

Progressive supporters of Pope Francis have expressed shock and disappointment at the reported derogatory remarks. They had hoped that his more inclusive rhetoric signaled a potential shift in the Church’s attitude towards gay men training for the priesthood. The use of offensive language by the Pope has raised questions about the sincerity of his previous statements.

3. What is the Vatican’s response to the incident?

As of now, the Vatican has not issued an official statement regarding the incident. It remains to be seen how they will address the matter and whether any further action will be taken. The response from the Catholic Church and its leaders will be crucial in determining how this incident is perceived by the public and how it may impact the Church’s relationship with the LGBTQ+ community.



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