Not found No ads txt file was found when the site was last crawled

If you’re a website owner or publisher using Google AdSense to monetize your site, you may have come across the term “ads.txt.” Ads.txt stands for “Authorized Digital Sellers,” and it’s an initiative created by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) to increase transparency and combat ad fraud.

In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive guide to ads.txt and show you how to fix any issues with your ads.txt file in AdSense.

What is ads.txt?

Ads.txt is a simple text file that publishers can add to their website’s root directory to publicly declare which companies are authorized to sell their digital ad inventory. The file contains a list of authorized sellers of the publisher’s inventory, including the seller’s domain name, publisher ID, and relationship type.

For example, if you’re a publisher using AdSense, your ads.txt file might contain a line like this:, pub-1234567890123456, DIRECT #Google

This line indicates that Google is an authorized seller of the publisher’s inventory, with the publisher ID “pub-1234567890123456.”

Why is ads.txt important?

Ads.txt is important because it helps to combat ad fraud, a widespread problem in the digital advertising industry. Ad fraud occurs when ads are displayed on websites that aren’t legitimate, or when fraudulent ad impressions or clicks are generated to inflate ad revenue.

By implementing ads.txt, publishers can ensure that their ad inventory is sold only by authorized sellers, reducing the risk of ad fraud. Advertisers, in turn, can use the ads.txt file to verify that they are buying inventory from authorized sellers and not from fraudulent sources.

Not found No ads.txt

How to create an ads.txt file

Creating an ads.txt file is relatively easy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit.
  2. Type or copy/paste the lines of code that identify each authorized seller of your ad inventory. The format for each line is as follows:

[seller domain], [publisher ID], [relationship type], [certification authority ID]

For example, a line for Google AdSense might look like this:, pub-1234567890123456, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

  1. Save the file as “ads.txt” (without quotes) and upload it to the root directory of your website.
How to fix ads.txt issues in AdSense

If you’re using AdSense and are experiencing issues with your ads.txt file, here’s what to do:

Go to your AdSense account and click on “Ads” in the left-hand menu.

Click on “Overview” and scroll down to the “Fix ads.txt issues” section.

If there are issues with your ads.txt file, AdSense will display an error message explaining the problem. Common issues include incorrect formatting, missing domains or publisher IDs, and unauthorized sellers.

To fix the issue, edit your ads.txt file and make the necessary changes. Once you’ve saved the changes, upload the updated file to your website’s root directory.

Click the “Refresh” button in the “Fix ads.txt issues” section to check if the issue has been resolved. If the issue persists, double-check your ads.txt file to ensure that it’s correctly formatted and contains all the necessary information.

Add your publisher ID to an ads.txt file

Adding your publisher ID to an ads.txt file is a simple process. Your publisher ID is a unique identifier assigned to your AdSense account, and it’s necessary to include it in your ads.txt file to ensure that your ad inventory is sold only by authorized sellers.

Here’s how to add your publisher ID to your ads.txt file:

  1. Open the ads.txt file using a text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit.
  2. Add a new line to the file by typing or copy-pasting the following code:, pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Replace “XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX” with your unique publisher ID.

  1. Save the changes to the file and upload it to the root directory of your website.

That’s it! By including your publisher ID in your ads.txt file, you’re ensuring that your ad inventory is sold only by authorized sellers, reducing the risk of ad fraud and protecting your reputation as a legitimate publisher. It’s important to keep your ads.txt file up-to-date and accurate, so be sure to make any necessary changes if your publisher ID or authorized sellers change in the future.


Ads.txt is an important tool for publishers and advertisers to combat ad fraud and increase transparency in the digital advertising industry. By implementing ads.txt and ensuring that your file is up-to-date and accurate, you can help to protect your ad inventory and maintain your reputation as a legitimate publisher. If you’re experiencing issues with your ads.txt file in AdSense, follow the steps outlined above to fix the problem and ensure that your ad revenue.

copy this :, pub-0000000000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Website link click here

  • Not found: No ads.txt file was found when the site was last crawled.


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