How To Improve Your Sex Life: Tips From A Doctor | Megyn Kelly TODAY

And now our last edition this week, at least in our series, a girl’s guide to where we answer all of your questions, about women’s health and we save the best for last, because today we are talking about stx and the new study. Thank you. A new study out just this week says that even as we become senior citizens about, 40 % of us are still getting busy satisfied with their sex life.

Now that doesn’t mean they’re doing it, they’re just satisfied with it whatever it is here to tell us, though, how you can rev up your sex drive and sex life in general is medical director of the northwestern medicine center for sexual medicine and menopause, and the author Of the book sex, rx, sex, prescription hormones, health and your best sex, dr lauren stryker, all right so we’re talking in particular about women and drive sex drive because it never seems to be exactly the same. No, it is never. There is a cycle throughout life.

How To Improve Your Sex Life
How To Improve Your Sex Life

In your 20s, it’s all about sex all the time because you’re trying to you know just have fun and then it’s the babymaking thing and then you see the pillow and you just want to go to sleep right, and you know I love that study. You brought up because that shows you is that we think that this is all driven by hormones. But when you look at senior citizens, their hormone tank is on empty and they’re still getting busy. So what this tells us is that there’s a lot of other ingredients so that libido cocktail like what like like a desire, is very much driven by neurotransmitters in the brain.

These are chemicals in the brain dopamine. I would think what is being dopey with love. It makes you just desire sex want to have sex think about sex, but then we have serotonin.

Serotonin is what makes you say. Maybe not so much. That’s the buzzkill, that’s a buzzkill, but it’s also what keeps you from making love long enough to go to work and do the laundry so you do need a balance. That’s really important! Well, how do we increase the dopamine, for you know if they’re having husband’s across the country want to know? Well, you know.

Sometimes we talk about those things that can really sabotage your sex. Like we look at things that influence dopamine antidepressants, I mean in this country a lot of women are on antidepressants and what do they do? They increase serotonin serotonin is what puts an end to all of this? Oh so sometimes we need to kind of manipulate that a little bit, maybe change the antidepressant decrease the dose and you feel happier, but your husband feels less happy. This isn’t a doityourself project.

Of course, you’ve got to talk to your doctor, but sometimes you can’t influence that that new drug flibanserin, a lot of people talked about that the the female viagra which it was not it’s but the way that it worked was in the brain to help serotonin. Just not work quite so well and dopamine. That’s the works. I know there are all these medications that help men.

You know tell me about, and there’s like nothing for women right well, is, I wouldn’t say nothing: there is a huge disparity between male sexual health and female sexual health, but having said that, there are safe and effective remedies for all the things that women are dealing With whether it’s painful sex, no libido, the inability to have an orgasm can’t get aroused, everyone always thinks like okay. This is just the way it is and if they do have the nerve to bring it up to their doctor, which, quite frankly, they don’t and the chances of your doctor, bringing it up are, let’s just say, like pretty close to zero, so they think okay. Well, I had someone in my office just yesterday, 82 years old wow, her husband had died 10 years earlier, she met a lovely man, gave it a go, didn’t go so well. She found her way to us and we say oh yeah, we can fix this.

Can I ask you, but here when you’re that age, is it still possible for you to let’s say finish? Well, I have the best news for you ever. Do you know that you do not need one drop of estrogen to climax, and this is really important because a lot of women think if they go through menopause or their ovaries have been removed, that’s done over and you don’t need moans. No, it’s actually more about blood flow and having healthy nerve endings. So what estrogen does is it increases the blood flow and it helps those nerve endings be healthier, but having said that, we have other ways to do it.

How To Improve Your Sex Life
How To Improve Your Sex Life

Okay is this: is this where we talk about the personal trainer for your vagina, we sure can, if there are people out there whose job it is to not enough, from my point of view, we need more of them. So what we’re talking about specifically this is a real thing helmet for physical therapy. Now, you all know a physical therapist. Are you know? If you hurt your arm or your leg, you go see the physical therapist.

Well, we have muscles in our pelvis to support all the good stuff and if those muscles are not only weak, it’s not just about making them strong some people, because they’ve been in pain. These muscles are like this. They get so tight because, of course again your vagina’s not stupid.

It’s like don’t come in here. This is going to hurt the muscles clamp down, like you know, an iron and so what the physical therapist does is they actually help you relax these muscles? So a lot of people think well. Is this just kegels? No, no, no right! This is way beyond kegels, and these are pelvic floor, physical therapists, which are licensed physical therapist and honestly, I could not do what I do without them. Doctor stryker.

Thank you, hello. Today, fans thanks for checking out our youtube channel subscribe by clicking that button down there and click on any the videos over here to watch. The latest interviews show highlights, and digital exclusives.


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