Black Nationalism


Black Nationalism

      In us one of the major issues that has been the subject matter of many discussions these days is nationalism, us has many events about this problem.


If we talk about nationalism violence and nonviolence in America  we need to remember the enger about this issues like Malcolm x and Luther King, because the two men are the active peoples who had involved to destroy racist. As we know that American society has many warfare between white people and black people. But when you heard or read some interview of Malcolm and king sure you will find deferent is some point also some similar between them.



Malcolm X

Born Malcolm Little born in 1925 grew up under difficult because he was suffer of rasism since he was child maybe that made him to think about the subject seriously. Malclom X was arrested by suspicion of robbery, he was converted to NOI the Nation of Islam in 1948. After he traveled to Mecca for pilgrimage and traveled extensively many country especial third word, Malcolm come back to American with idea to founding revolutionary not only in America but in the world under device  of ‘’ Revolution black nationalist internationalist’’

The ballot or the Bullet

The ballot or the Bullet’ it’s famous sentence Malcolm used in his struggle, for black people, as he said the ballot or the bullet explained self, he always recognized that he was Muslim, as Malcolm was One Of The Smartest Men In The World ! They Wacked One Of LEADERS he used many structure to perused the black people to fight for their law, but many people observed that Malcolm was violence by his political specially when inveted black people to have rifles and shotguns, for protected themselves.

Matin lunther King

Matin lunther King born in 1929 and died in 1968. King was one of the greatest man in American who also fought for freedom of balck people. King graduated he has doctorate from Boston university in 1955, he was Christian. King spent his life working hard for black people. He was the founding of southern Christian leadership conference in 1957. Also he advocated an ethic of nonviolence, and won the Noble peace prize in1964.



I have a dream

‘’ I HAVE A DREAM ’’it’s famous expression used in his speech, his dream was to see black people like white people all of them have the same law and citizenship, his dream was to see people of American are equal. King believed that the violence is not only the ways to take your law.




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