How to fix Contact Forms for Your Blogger Website

Enhance user engagement on your Blogger site with our feature-rich Contact Form widget. Transform views into sales effortlessly. Are you looking to enhance user engagement on your Blogger website? Incorporating a contact form can be a fantastic way to encourage interaction and gather valuable feedback from your visitors. At Elfsight, we offer a user-friendly and feature-rich Contact Form widget designed specifically for Blogger websites, helping you transform views into sales and messages effortlessly.

Transform Your Website’s Views into Sales and Messages

Our Contact Form widget for Blogger is a versatile tool that caters to all your needs in capturing impressions and requests from your site’s users. By showcasing essential form components, selecting your preferred template, and customizing the interface, you can inspire your clients to submit requests for your services easily.

Reform Lead Generation

Empower your potential clients to reach out to you at any time with our Form plugin, boosting conversions with minimal effort. By keeping form fields concise, you can maximize conversion rates and streamline the lead generation process.

Combat Spam Effectively

Maintain the integrity of your contact list by implementing Google reCAPTCHA within the Form plugin. This powerful tool helps shield your forms from spam and bots, ensuring that you receive authentic inquiries only.

Contact Forms for Your Blogger Website
Contact Forms for Your Blogger Website

Seamless Customer Feedback Collection

Craft a remarkable Form plugin that seamlessly integrates into your website, making it easy for visitors to provide feedback whenever they desire. By placing your form prominently, you can encourage continuous interaction with your audience.

Features of Our Contact Form Plugin

  • Customize field placeholders to showcase required formats effectively.
  • Opt to hide the header for a clean and streamlined appearance.
  • Choose from 5 visually appealing field styles to suit your website’s aesthetic.
  • Display a personalized success message post form submission.
  • Enjoy seamless functionality and mobile responsiveness for a flawless user experience.

How to Add Contact Form Widget to Your Blogger Website

  1. Design your unique Contact widget using our intuitive editor.
  2. Generate the installation code for the widget after customization.
  3. Embed the widget on your Blogger website at your preferred location.
  4. Confirm successful installation by navigating to your site and testing the form.

Encountering any hurdles during the setup process? Explore our comprehensive tutorial on “How to Display Contact Form on a Blogger Website” for detailed guidance. If you still face challenges, our support team is always ready to assist you.

Download Code mentioned in the video


  1. How can I add Contact Form to my Blogger website without coding skills?
    Elfsight offers a user-friendly SaaS solution that enables you to create and integrate a Contact Form widget effortlessly. Utilize the online Editor to customize the widget to your liking, copy the installation code, and embed it on your Blogger site without the need for coding expertise.
  2. Do you provide ready-to-use Contact Form templates for Blogger websites?
    Absolutely! Choose from a vast selection of over 300 templates tailored for various occasions. Explore our Contact Form templates to find the perfect design that aligns with your requirements.
  3. What are the pricing options for the Contact Form widget?
    Our Contact Form widget comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee and offers a range of pricing plans to suit your needs. Benefit from a free installation service, experienced customer support, and regular updates to enhance your website’s functionality.



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